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Harmonizers SETI Group

Harmonizers focus their energy on teamwork and regulating their behavior to succeed. They generally communicate clearly while adhering to traditional moral boundaries. Where the Regulator in them is methodical, relying on a foundation that brought past success, Harmonizers’ Synergist nature leans toward creating friendships. Harmonizers tend to exhibit relationship-building skills that complement their strong moral compass, which may lead a group down a well-mapped path to success.


Composer (SRENA)
Composer (SRENA)
Stage Manager (SRHNA)
Stage Manager (SRHNA)
Confident, motivated decision-makers with a talent for bringing distinct voices together. Learn more...

A member of the Harmonizer family, a Composer can blend the distinct ideas and opinions within a group into a balanced plan to reach a goal. They communicate their beliefs and ideas clearly while respecting the beliefs, backgrounds, and perspectives of others in a group. They make time to understand their emotions and how those emotions inform their behavior, as well as what emotions others may be experiencing, no matter how different someone may be from them. Generally self-motivated and skilled at anticipating the consequences of their actions, a Composer doesn’t need anyone else to tell them what’s working and what isn’t. If something needs to change, a Composer will analyze, assess, and take action to get back on track. They tend to prioritize building and maintaining relationships over achieving a common goal, and they strive to respect the diverse perspectives present wherever they are. A Composer makes decisions confidently, leveraging their inner drive to persist and overcome obstacles when working for their goals and maintaining a sense of self that transcends their everyday circumstances.

Overarching Tip: Embrace your growth areas and be proactive about changing those habits. If you’re someone who is consistently late, feeling ashamed about being late won’t make you more punctual. Practice setting small, achievable goals. For example, schedule alarms for when you should start getting ready and when you should leave. If you’re forgetful, set reminders and write notes. Taking initiative to hold yourself accountable for your actions will help to grow responsibility.

Mindfulness Tip: In analyzing and assessing which option is the absolute best option, be sure not to get too lost in your own thoughts. As a Composer, consider practicing mindfulness to give yourself a reality check. What’s happening around you? Visualize what’s challenging or what you’re afraid of, and take three intentional breaths. Be exactly where you are. When you accept reality, even when that entails accepting difficult or undesirable work, you are better equipped to create a plan that aligns with the real-world circumstances.

Competency Tip: Be sure to examine your priorities and align them with the progress you must make on a task. While focusing on forming relationships can be satisfying, it’s essential to discern the difference between social collaboration and socialization. Trust that you can build the ability to do both—socialize and work toward a goal—and you will remain on a positive trajectory.

Independent, compassionate people who always have the needs of the group in mind. Learn more...

As an independent, thoughtful, and self-controlled member of the Harmonizer family, a Stage Manager considers the inner workings of all aspects of the group. They act according to their internal compass and prefer to complete a task without delegating or asking for help. When working in a group, they listen actively and communicate clearly to establish relationships, which they prefer to focus on before immediately starting a project. A Stage Manager maintains an awareness of how their feedback will impact everyone in the group, even if they cannot identify with someone on a personal level. However, this can make them prone to overthinking or withholding their thoughts for fear that it may hurt others’ feelings. A Stage Manager tends to be goal oriented and defines success—and their sense of self—by the outcome of a project and not by the process it took to get there. However, that doesn’t mean they do not see any value in the journey, as they can identify and rely on choices and actions that worked for them in the past. They will consider some, though likely not all, possible options before taking action. But if their choice isn’t working, they can modify their behavior and redirect themselves and their group back onto a constructive path. A Stage Manager respects diversity and can find a connection with almost anyone because of their thoughtful and compassionate tendencies.

Overarching Tip: Practice using “I” statements. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by an emotion like anger, fear, or disgust, communicate your emotions as “I feel . . .” to effectively get the message across without becoming aggressive or accusatory. These statements help keep communication channels open and set constructive boundaries.

Mindfulness Tip: As a Stage Manager, speaking your mind may be difficult at times. When you feel yourself holding back your thoughts, inhale a cleansing breath. Take a moment to collect your ideas. Have faith in what you need to say and in your ability to say it. You are presently strong and valid, and speaking clearly and confidently will only increase your knowledge, strength, and skills.

Competency Tip: Listen to opposing opinions openly, calmly, and for understanding. Hear the other person out without interrupting, and focus on the gap between your ideas and theirs. When you understand the underlying differences in your opinions and can articulate them, it is easier to bridge the gap and have a more honest conversation.

Vocalist (SRENL)
Vocalist (SRENL)
Choreographer (SRHNL)
Choreographer (SRHNL)
Skilled, self-aware ensemble members who trust their instincts and value tradition. Learn more...

A Vocalist, part of the Harmonizer family, has a vision for themselves, and they contribute to a goal with that vision in mind. They are self-aware and self-motivated, often articulate, and skilled at analyzing and controlling their emotions. They often operate from a “birds-of-a-feather” mentality, feeling most comfortable collaborating with group members they can relate to on an immediate or personal level. They tend to prioritize forming relationships, particularly with those like-minded group members, before achieving a goal. A Vocalist generally values traditions and techniques; they tend to make decisions with conventional moral standards in mind, and they find confidence within these conventions to succeed. They consider various options before deciding and trust their instincts to lead them to a responsible decision. Despite their tendency toward those familiar to them, they listen actively and consider how a choice will affect others and themselves in the future. They strive to feel good about their decisions, but they do not determine their identity based on their circumstances or the decisions they’ve made—they have a sense of self that goes beyond their day-to-day conditions.

Overarching Tip: Tune in to your emotions. In order to practice empathy, we first need to understand ourselves. Try journaling at the end of the day, especially a difficult or emotional one, and see what you learn about your emotions and how you typically handle them.

Mindfulness Tip: When entering new or unfamiliar situations, take a moment to notice your thoughts. Do you bring preconceived notions about what will happen? Ideas about whom you’ll meet? For a Vocalist, it can be useful to let go of your expectations and reset your experience. Use mindfulness to remain present in the moment and develop a learning perspective—one that is open to seeing the world differently. See what happens if you intentionally notice three new things, even in familiar environments.

Competency Tip: Consider what is important to you about your cultural norms. Can you recognize why another person finds their norms important even if they are unlike your own? Practice extending your understanding across differences, which will afford you a more nuanced and open understanding of how culture impacts everyone’s behaviors, thoughts, and opinions.

Self-reliant, strong-willed leaders and collaborators who move smoothly toward their goals. Learn more...

A Choreographer is a member of the Harmonizer family. They understand themselves and how they, and others, can move smoothly toward a goal. Self-reliant, strong-willed, and drawn to what they know, a Choreographer can lead a unified front of similar individuals and strike a balance between leadership and collaboration. They prefer to focus on maintaining existing relationships or establishing new ones before working toward a common goal, but when they put themselves to work they generally strive for their goals independently. A Choreographer tends to define success by the outcome rather than by the process they used to reach that outcome, and they determine their sense of self by their immediate circumstances. They will assess multiple options for achieving their goal and will aim to choose the most constructive, morally sound option available. In trying to avoid offending anyone, a Choreographer may come across as quiet or withdrawn because they are overthinking their feedback rather than offering it up—particularly if they feel it may hurt someone they connect with. However, they have an internal, guiding set of morals, and actively listen and offer help to their group members while also managing their emotions and avoiding distractions as they work for a goal.

Overarching Tip: Practice making comparisons between your culture and someone else’s to develop the ability to step into their shoes. What are the similarities between your celebrations, rituals, and beliefs? Though the manifestation may be different, when viewed more closely, two different cultural norms may serve a similar purpose.

Mindfulness Tip: As a Choreographer, you may find yourself replaying situations from the past. Notice where you are when this happens. Use mindfulness to acknowledge it. What can you learn from it? Accept the lesson, then let it go. Exhale. Trust that you have received the message and enter a new moment, free from expectation and worry.

Competency Tip: Articulate your opinions clearly and confidently even when it feels uncomfortable or may fall on unreceptive ears. If you anticipate you’ll have trouble speaking up, write your thoughts out beforehand. Practice advocating for yourself if others aren’t listening, and understand that discomfort is often part of the process of asserting yourself.

Maestro (SRETA)
Maestro (SRETA)
Improviser (SRHTA)
Improviser (SRHTA)
Bold, focused collaborators attuned to others’ emotions and actions. Learn more...

A Maestro is a member of the Harmonizer family, and they listen to their fellow group members and take care to respect everyone’s contributions. They are attuned to others’ emotions and actions and let those emotions and actions influence how they conduct themselves to maintain balanced collaboration. They are likely to pursue their desired results using their preferred method, especially if it has worked for them in the past. A Maestro focuses more on building relationships with others before starting whatever they’re teaming up with others to do. They believe in the value of diversity and respect the differences of thought, experience, and background individuals bring to a project, no matter how different from themselves someone may be. A Maestro factors potential consequences into their decision-making, but they can be so deeply focused on making their ideas work that they may not do a thorough assessment. They may need a nudge from someone else to consider more ethical or responsible alternatives to their first-choice option. A Maestro is likely to be receptive to this feedback, though, because they are unafraid to ask for and accept help, and their sense of self is not shaken by critiques from others or from setbacks they may encounter on their journey.

Overarching Tip: When making a difficult decision, take the extra time to write out a list of pros, cons, and possible outcomes of each choice. Writing it down can not only help you understand the practical application and consequences of a choice, but also illustrate the emotions that can accompany big decisions. When you can work through the practical and emotional aspects of making a decision, you can feel good about the choices you make.

Mindfulness Tip: As a Maestro, you may feel pressure to act quickly and decisively. When this happens, take a breath. Use mindfulness to learn to take it slow. Cultivate the patience to live in uncertainty by deliberately taking time to sit and do nothing else. Allow time to tick by. As you begin to find value in transition, the need to act will lessen. Your actions will be intentional and meaningful, and will lead to positive outcomes.

Competency Tip: When you are communicating with others, especially in tense or conflicting moments, notice when you tend toward passive aggression. What purpose does it serve? Try to assume the best intentions of others, and practice using “I” statements to express your feelings. Hold yourself accountable if you slip up.

Strong-willed yet open, these deep thinkers trust their instincts. Learn more...

As a member of the Harmonizer family, an Improviser uses feedback from others when making choices and lets the reactions they’re receiving from their group guide the direction of their script. They think deeply before offering their ideas, but once they commit to an idea or a choice, they are strong-willed and open to taking their idea in a variety of directions. They assess their emotions as well as the emotions of others, and they prioritize establishing relationships before completing a common goal. They communicate clearly, value diversity, and respect differences within the group. An Improviser trusts their instincts and, despite their desire to form relationships, prefer working for a goal independently. An Improviser follows their internal compass toward an ethical and desirable choice that they believe will lead to a positive outcome. They tend to define themselves by their current circumstances, and they may sometimes become so focused on controlling their fate that they neglect considering how their choices impact others. At times, an Improviser may seem quiet and reserved because they are prone to overanalyzing how what they say may impact the thoughts and feelings of someone else. Though they are self-aware with a strong moral compass, an Improviser’s desire for using their preferred method to find success may lead them to make choices they don’t necessarily feel good about in the long run. Someone else may have to remind an Improviser to think before they act, and they are likely to accept this feedback; they listen actively and value direct communication.

Overarching Tip: Notice situations where you are reluctant to seek help. What’s stopping you? Acknowledge that everyone needs help sometimes, and practice asking for it. Utilize “I” statements that begin with the issue and end with a clear request for what you need. Even if it’s uncomfortable, asking for help is a valuable way to advocate for yourself. It builds strength and resilience.

Mindfulness Tip: When working with others, as an Improviser you may prioritize your method of working over others’ methods of working. Practice mindfulness to put it in neutral, and observe what’s happening around you. Relax your shoulders. Take two big breaths. Listen to what others are saying, and pay attention to what’s not being said. By simply sitting and paying purposeful attention to where you are, you can open yourself up to new ideas and opportunities.

Competency Tip: Weigh the pros and cons between working for immediate gratification versus planning for long-term goals. If you get what you want now, will you have to sacrifice something later? If you plan for later, how can you find value while you work and wait for what you want? Highlight what is satisfying about each situation, and practice feeling that satisfaction no matter what.

Concertmaster (SRETL)
Concertmaster (SRETL)
Soloist (SRHTL)
Soloist (SRHTL)
Leaders eager to embrace challenges while staying in tune with the group. Learn more...

As a member of the Harmonizer family, a Concertmaster prefers to focus on establishing relationships rather than the work necessary to accomplish a group’s goal. They use their strong willpower and their ability to analyze their own and others’ emotions to actively pursue their goals. A Concertmaster builds upon prior decisions that, because they’ve worked for them in the past, feel familiar and may have a high possibility for success. They also tend to appreciate the ideas and opinions of group members who are similar to them, as they can recognize and understand where they are coming from. Because of their tendency toward the familiar, the Concertmaster may make choices without considering how their actions affect those around them. They could need a reminder from someone else to consider other, more ethical choices in addition to the option they prefer. With that said, the Concertmaster communicates directly and listens actively, making them receptive to others’ feedback. Moreover, the Concertmaster does not define themselves by their present successes or failures, and they are unafraid to embrace new or challenging tasks that may be required to keep them on a constructive path.

Overarching Tip: Diversify your free time. Meaning, if you love to read on weekends, check out what books you’re drawn to, and make your next book something totally different. The same can be done with movies, music, and more. Seeking out and exposing yourself to different stories, perspectives, and experiences is crucial for building empathy.

Mindfulness Tip: If something has always worked out well, it’s easy to continue to do it. As a Concertmaster, you may fall into habits without realizing it. How can you be sure your actions are responsive to the moment? Practice mindfulness to stay in the moment. Feel your feet on the floor. Unclench your jaw. Stay present. Acknowledge both positive and negative moments as they come, and engage with what’s happening in the here and now rather than doing what you’ve always done.

Competency Tip: Outline your action steps needed to fulfill responsibilities and commitments. Breaking down tasks into their smaller parts increases your chances to succeed and can also free up mental space, giving you more clarity, ease, and direction when tackling projects.

Strong, creative minds who always encourage others to find their own tune. Learn more...

As a part of the Harmonizer family, a Soloist values their unique way of presenting ideas and encourages other like-minded individuals to find their unique tune as well. A Soloist has a strong will and tends to analyze and regulate their emotions when working toward a goal. They are self-aware and confident, often taking the initiative to complete projects without asking for help. However, beyond being self-aware, a Soloist is aware of others’ emotions in the group, which contributes to their tendency to keep their thoughts to themselves to avoid offending anyone else. They may overthink situations and burden themselves with the responsibility for other people’s feelings, especially those within the group who are similar to them or with whom they connect. A Soloist often views their success as circumstantial—dependent on their achievement rather than on any growth or learning that occurred on the journey. Because of this focus, a Soloist may listen closely to their instincts and choose to implement their preferred methods without considering all of the possible consequences of those methods. But given a reminder from a friend or peer, a Soloist is willing to hold themselves accountable and modify their choices to align with the overall ethics of the group. They are generally helpful and focus more energy on building and maintaining relationships before focusing on the work necessary to achieve a goal.

Overarching Tip: Embrace your growth areas but be proactive about changing those habits. If you’re someone who is consistently late, feeling ashamed about being late won’t make you more punctual. Practice setting small, achievable goals. For example, schedule alarms for when you should start getting ready and when you should leave. If you’re forgetful, set reminders and write notes. Taking initiative to hold yourself accountable for your actions will help to grow responsibility.

Mindfulness Tip: As a Soloist, it may be easier for you to consider experiences of those who are similar to you. Who comes to mind when you think about someone very different from you? Hold their image in your mind, and notice what assumptions you’re making. Reset your expectations and experiences by replacing assumptions with questions. What don’t you know about a person, situation, or different culture? Asking more questions creates more space for understanding.

Competency Tip: Take a moment and articulate why compassion is important. Even when facing deadlines and assignments that need completing, compassion is an essential component of respectful, supportive relationships. Practice active listening and perspective-taking to deepen your capacity for compassion, and be sure to acknowledge when others show you compassion. Find ways to pay it forward.