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Lesson Plan for Charlie and the Octopus (ages 5 – 8)
Young children sometimes feel misunderstood by adults. The activity shared here offers some ways to practice essential communication and problem-solving skills, so students can better advocate for themselves.

Funding for SEL Curriculum
Schools have more options than ever before for federal funding related to social and emotional learning curriculums. This whitepaper describes funding sources for SEL curriculums, with a checklist to help…
Funding for SEL Professional Development
Federal funding is available for professional development like Responsive Classroom that supports social and emotional learning, creates equitable learning environments, and identifies signs of trauma and mental health concerns. Learn…

Fly Five School to Home Connection: Grade 2
Social and emotional learning starts at home. School-Home-Connection toolkits are a key part of Fly Five’s SEL curriculum for kindergarten through grade 8. The School-to-Home Connection gives families a way…